1502 Augusta, Dr., Suite 100, Houston, TX 77057

18756 Stone Oak Pkwy, Suite 200, San Antonio, TX 78258

  1341 West Mockingbird Lane, Suite 600W, Dallas, TX  75247

  1990 N. California Blvd., Suite 755, Walnut Creek, CA  94596-7258


LLG is Hiring a Litigation Associate


Lopez Law Group is looking to add a new member to the family. We are seeking a litigation associate with 1-3 years of experreince, and liscensed to practice in Texas.


The ideal applicant will be excited to work and learn in a fast paced environemnt, while collaboarting with a close-knit team of fellow legal professionals.


If interested, please submit your resume to April at @april@lopezlit.com



2021 LLG Year in Review Part 4
2021 LLG Year in Review Part 3

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