By Lopez Administrator on 01/24/2022
Category: News

Rueda Family Christmas Celebration

On Friday, December 18th, Lopez Law Group was thrilled to host our Adopted Holiday Families! This is the third year the LLG elves have adopted a family, and this years' experience was the best yet!

Our first family was the Rueda family. To say the Rueda's are a wonderful, deserving family would be an understatement. Parents Noe and Maria and children Benjamin, Noe Julian, Emmanuel, Nicolas, and Evelyn, were in attendance. Benjamin (2 years old) is battling cancer, so our goal was to make sure he and his siblings were spoiled rotten. We might be biased, but we believe we succeeded!

Santa stopped by to surprise the family with gifts. Christmas joy filled the air as everyone opened their presents. The children and parents were genuinely thankful and shocked by the generosity of the gifts. This was made possible due to our employees, vendors, friends, and family who participated.

A special thank you to Jamie's Hope, who connected LLG with the Rueda family. We look forward to working with you again next year!