By Lopez Administrator on 03/13/2020
Category: News

Dealing with Covid-19: LLG's Promise to You

Dealing with the spread of Covid-19

Here at LLG we take pride in being a step ahead. With the spread of Covid-19 to our community, we have to the consider best steps for the health of our employees, clients and friends.

As a result, we have implemented LLG’S REAP (Rapid Emergency Action Protocol) system.  The REAP system will allow us to continue to provide excellent service to our clients, while doing our best to stop the spread of Covid-19 and ensuring we are responsible members of our community.

Our initiative and promise

Effective Monday March 16, 2020, LLG will begin allowing all of our employees to work remotely.  All non-essential travel will be limited to reduce the possible spread of this virus.  Additionally:

We anticipate that things will be back to normal sooner as opposed to later.  However, out of an abundance of caution, we will take these steps in the best interests of our employees, clients, friends and community.